About Us

Scarborough Triratna Buddhist Group is part of The Triratna Buddhist Community, a worldwide movement founded by our teacher Sangharakshita in 1968. Triratna draws on the entire Buddhist tradition, practising Buddhism in a fresh and practical way and making the Buddha’s teaching more accessible to many of us in the West. Our teachers are practising Buddhists who strive to incorporate the ideals of Buddhism into their daily life.

We offer courses in Buddhism and meditation in a friendly, supportive environment. Our meditation techniques can be used by anyone regardless of religious beliefs. Meditation is a means of transforming the mind. Buddhist meditation practices are techniques that encourage and develop concentration, clarity, emotional positivity and a calm-seeing of the true nature of things. By engaging in meditation you learn the patterns and habits of your mind. The practice offers a means to cultivate new, more creative ways of being. With regular work these nourishing, focused states can deepen into a profoundly peaceful and energised mind.

We welcome everyone over 18 to our courses and events. You don’t need to consider yourself a Buddhist or wish to become one. We are simply happy to share the Buddha’s teachings to help everyone lead happier, more fulfilled lives in this often-turbulent world. No one receives any payment. We offer our classes freely as an act of generosity.

In order to make our classes available to all, we do not charge, apart from a booking fee.  However, since we have no other income, we do rely on the generosity of those who attend our Group to help us with expenses.  So, any additional donations (dana, generosity) that people are moved to give at our events and courses are much appreciated.

As a spiritual community we take our practice of ethics seriously: what we consume and buy has a direct effect on communities across the globe; what we do and how we live now has a direct effect on future generations. 

Mahasraddha and Upayadevi moved to Scarborough in 2021, to start the Scarborough Triratna Buddhist Group, and they teach regular meditation and Buddhism courses in Scarborough, as well as day retreats.  We have a small and vibrant Sangha developing.

Meet the Team



People come to Buddhism and meditation for many different reasons. But for many, their arrival at Buddhism and meditation are a result of an exploration after an experience that has given them a glimmer or vision of their potential as a human being, a vision of meaning. For me, this ‘event’ in life happened at the age of 14 which set me on a path of exploration, in particular of different spiritual traditions, East and West. This exploration eventually, and by chance, led me to Buddhism and meditation (I rather reluctantly accompanied a friend to a Buddhism and meditation course he wanted to go to, but not alone).

As it turned out, my first contact with Buddhism and meditation was electrifying: the experience I had had when I was 14 burst into life and resonated with what I was hearing and learning at the class. I felt I had come home. 

Although my initial years of exploring Buddhism and Meditation were rather stop-start, I eventually made a commitment to practice which resulted in me being ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 1997 when I was given my name, Mahasraddha, ‘Great Faith’.   

At the time of my ordination, I was working full time in scientific research (I was fascinated by the wonder of the world around me, and wanted to understand it) until, eventually, I left to work full time at a Triratna Buddhist Centre in Manchester. 

Inspired by the impacts of Buddhist practice and meditation, both in myself and others, I have taught Buddhism and meditation in classes and retreats in the UK and beyond including Europe and India. 

In 2021, after 19 years teaching and holding various roles in the Manchester Buddhist Centre, I moved to Scarborough to start teaching Buddhism and meditation within a small Team. I am simply delighted how quickly things have developed in Scarborough; witnessing people respond in the courses and retreats we run to what I hold dear to my heart has been an incredibly powerful experience. I am very much looking forward to seeing how things continue to unfold in Scarborough after an exciting and promising beginning. 



I have been a practising Buddhist for about 20 years, since studying Indian Religions at university, when I started to sit up and take notice of what Buddhism had to say.  I took my first steps to start orienting my life to follow the Buddha’s teachings by joining a course in Buddhism and Meditation at Leeds Buddhist Centre.  

For a long time I was an erratic practitioner, with bursts of energy and enthusiasm for study and going on retreat, and periods of being less engaged, but it eventually became obvious to me that practising as a Buddhist is the most satisfying and creative way for me to live. In 2016 I crossed the Pennines to live in a Buddhist community in Manchester, with 6 other women, and this turned out to be a pivotal and inspiring time; I was very impressed by the people around me and how they lived their lives, and I gradually ‘got behind myself’ more fully and made the most of the favourable conditions I was in… living in a Buddhist community, working at the Buddhist Centre, attending classes to study,  deepening friendships and going on retreat.  A wonderful few years.

And now in another deeply satisfying situation here in Scarborough, putting on Dharma activities and helping grow our Sangha.

In my day job I work part-time for Breathworks (a mindfulness organisation) based at the Manchester Buddhist Centre, working remotely as the office is 100 miles away.  I also practise as a Nutritional Therapist in Brompton-by-Sawdon, and I see both roles as a way to support people’s wellness, directly and indirectly.  I am drawn to wanting to share the Dharma (Buddha’s teachings), and to create Sangha (community).   My own practice flourishes best when I am in contact with others, and I am at my happiest when we have a course on the go, and we’re meeting up regularly.

I enjoy meeting new people at our day retreats and courses, and deepening friendships with those who are already coming along. It’s a joy and a privilege to be able to do this.



I was ordained in July 2022, and given the name Pravarasiddhi, which means ‘She who has the most excellent attainments’ 

I first met Triratna at Leeds in 1999, after moving to Marsden it took me a while to find Manchester Buddhist centre where I have been able to further deepen my practice, through a daily meditation practice, Dharma study in communication with other Buddhists. 

I have been fortunate to become involved in the Scarborough Buddhist group through my friendship with Karen. The very first weekly course needed to be online due to Covid restrictions, I was just in the right place at the right time and  was able to support this from home. I feel privileged to be part of this growing Sangha: living in Marsden, west of Huddersfield, means I am not able to join weekly in person  classes. However I do what I can behind the scenes and come over to join  retreat days and sangha retreats.

Our Values

Safeguarding and Scarborough Triratna Buddhist Group

We believe that anyone taking part in our Group's activities has a right to be free from any forms of harassment or abuse.

The safeguarding policy for adults in this section outlines specific grounds for safeguarding concerns. If you are not sure whether there is a safeguarding concern please contact the safeguarding officer. If there is a possible ethical concern that is not safeguarding, contact the safeguarding officer or a trusted Order member. 

N.B. We do not have a specific safeguarding policy for children as we do not allow any people under the age of 18 to take part in any of our events at present unless they are accompanied at all times by a legal parent or guardian.

Reporting Concerns: If you become concerned about someone, including yourself, being harassed or abused, please contact the safeguarding officer, the safeguarding contact or a trustee. Details are given below. 

Mahasraddha is the Safeguarding Officer: safeguarding.scarboroughbuddhistgroup@protonmail.com (This is a confidential and secure address)

How we will respond: You will be listened to in confidence and taken seriously. Any information you give will be evaluated in light of our policies and national guidance to enable us to act legally and fairly. We will work with you to take appropriate action. 

The trustees and the centre team reserve the right to take appropriate action to protect anyone who enters the charity’s properties.

SBG Safeguarding Policy - 17-June-2024.pdf

Privacy Policy

This document has been produced to explain how the Scarborough Triratna Buddhist Group (STBG) collects, stores and uses personal data. Our processes accord with our ethical values of truthful communication and not taking the not given; therefore, we will only use the information provided for the purposes for which it was given. This document has also been produced to comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018), and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), and has been produced using the guidance provided by the Information Commissioners Office (https://ico.org.uk)

STBG Privacy Policy Version 1. 13 July 2024.pdf

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