News Articles
Chronological newsfeed for Scarborough Triratna Buddhist Group
July 2024 - update provided by Dharmachari Mahasraddha
A Great Beginning: Activities of the Scarborough Triratna Buddhist Group began in January 2022, and since then the group and its activities have developed rapidly, including the courses and retreats, a thriving sangha and contributing to our local community in Scarborough.
This summer we have paused and taken stock. In the context of a Practice and Visioning Day Retreat in June 2024, members of the Scarborough Triratna Buddhist Sangha gathered to review what we have built up since January 2022 and to envision our future direction and to consider next steps, appropriate to the resources we have available. - Dharmachari Mahasraddha , July 2024 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Saturday 13th July 2024 - update provided by Dharmachari Mahasraddha
Activities of the Scarborough Triratna Buddhist Group began in January 2022 with the delivery of its first course entitled Finding Peace in a Turbulent World. Since then, the group and its activities have developed rapidly, including the courses and retreats we now deliver, the sangha (community) that has built up, and our contribution to the local community in Scarborough.
This summer we have paused and taken stock. In the context of a Practice and Visioning Day Retreat in June 2024, members of the Scarborough Triratna Buddhist Sangha gathered to review what we have built up since January 2022 and to envision our future direction and to consider next steps, appropriate to the resources we have available.
These are exciting times for the Scarborough Triratna Buddhist Group and the concrete outcomes that arose from the Visioning Day Retreat will ensure the group and its activities continue to develop in a sustainable manner allowing the people of Scarborough and the North Yorkshire coast to explore the teachings of the Buddha in the context of Sangha.
Monday 1st July 2024 - update provided by Dharmachari Mahasraddha
We have recently launched an exciting new course on mindfulness, aimed at cultivating inner peace and mental clarity in today's fast-paced world.
Led by experienced meditation teachers, the course offers participants a comprehensive understanding of mindfulness practices rooted in Buddhist principles.
Through guided meditations, discussions, and practical exercises, participants will learn to cultivate awareness, manage stress, and enhance overall well-being.