Scarborough Buddhist Group Community

Welcome to the Scarborough Triratna Buddhist Sangha, a vibrant community where warmth, compassion, and interconnectedness thrive. At the heart of our Sangha lies the essence of the Buddha's teachings - the understanding that we are all interconnected and that our collective journey towards awakening is enriched through shared experiences and support.
Within our Sangha, you'll find a welcoming space where we come together in pursuit of spiritual growth. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just beginning your journey, you'll find companionship and guidance along the path.
Through regular gatherings, teachings, and shared practices, we deepen our understanding of the Dharma and its application in our daily lives. In this shared journey, we discover the profound joy that comes from walking the path with fellow travellers, united by our shared commitment to awakening and living with mindfulness and compassion.
Everyone who attends our courses and day retreats is welcome to join the Sangha, to attend Sangha events, including sangha night (Sunday evenings), festival days, online meditations, and social activities such as Sangha walks and film nights.
The Buddhist path is a path of deepening commitment to practice, and in the Triratna community this is reflected in people becoming Mitras and perhaps joining the Triratna Buddhist Order.
What is a Mitra?
Everyone who has contact with Scarborough Triratna Buddhist Group (such as coming to a class) is considered a ‘friend’. However someone who feels a particular connection with our community and has decided to follow the Buddhist path can ask to become a ‘Mitra’ (which simply means ‘friend’ in Sanskrit). Becoming a Mitra marks a deepening of commitment for the practitioner, and there are special activities, including retreats and study groups open to Mitras to support them in this.
People ask to become a Mitra when they:
- Consider that they are Buddhists.
- Are trying to live in accordance with the five ethical precepts of Buddhism.
- Feel that the Triratna Buddhist Community is the appropriate spiritual context for them.
If anyone is interested in becoming a Mitra the person to talk to is Mahasraddha. Once a person’s request to be a Mitra has been accepted, they take part in a simple public ceremony on a festival day. This ceremony is recognised at all Triratna centres worldwide, and they will be regarded as a Mitra wherever they go.
Later on, some Mitras also decide to ask for ordination, and begin the process of training for ordination. However, this is not an expectation and many people practice happily as Mitras within our community the rest of their lives.
What is an Order Member?
Someone who has been ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order, is an ‘Order Member’.

Ordination is a significant and powerful ceremony in which an individual makes a lifelong commitment to following the Buddhist path, placing this at the centre of their lives.
Training for ordination is a process which takes many years of personal practice, dharma study and periods of being on retreat. During their ordination, a practitioner makes commitments to practice for the benefit of all beings, to act in accordance with 10 Buddhist ethical precepts and to live in harmony with others. At ordination they are given special meditation practice and a new Buddhist name to signify their commitment to the spiritual life. You can usually recognise an Order Member because they wear a symbolic white scarf (kesa) embroidered with the three jewels.